Wednesday – Pink Day!!

Well, just out of sudden after the dinner with MinChie & Sherly

we decided to go pyramid to eat ice-cream! XD

so random right? hehehe..

since today is pink day n MinChie is wearing a really PINK shirt

as if it was an indication asking us to go for it

we actually went to Baskin Robin to claim my treat owed by MinChie!! ^^

The flavor that we picked is really NICE!!

i really ♥ the Maui Brownie Madness!! :)

It is actually a Chocolate Frozen ice yogurt with chunks of brownie and macadamia nuts, ribboned with chocolate fudge ♥

look very nice right?! ^^

someone told me that when you’re unhappy,

try out something sweet like ice-cream surely will delight you and i guess it was true!

something happen today which makes me quite EMO

but ice-cream really makes all my EMO-ness AWAY!! ^^

like Sunway T-shirt recently since it is quite comfortable when wearing it ^^

n act as a walking advertisement for Sunway University maybe? XD

~ by liling0711 on March 23, 2011.

4 Responses to “Wednesday – Pink Day!!”

  1. 我要吃BR icecream。。虽然我真的觉得它不怎么特别啦!!不过是名牌icecream哦。。hihi。。

  2. haha…baskin robin!!i nvr belanja u totally leh….u still got keluar money~~

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